Frequently asked questions
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How do essential oils differ from fragrance oils?
Essential oils are natural extracts from plants that contain their unique chemical compounds and therapeutic properties. Fragrance oils, on the other hand, are synthetic or blended substances designed to mimic scents but do not offer the therapeutic benefits of essential oils.
Are these blends safe to use?
The blends have been properly diluted so that they can be used topically or aromatically.
Perform patch tests to avoid allergic reactions and consult with a healthcare provider if you have underlying health conditions or are pregnant. Essential oils should also be used in moderation and according to recommended guidelines to maximize their benefits and minimize any potential risks.
How do essential oils work?
Essential oils work by interacting with the olfactory system (sense of smell) and skin. When inhaled, their aromatic compounds can influence mood and emotions by interacting with the limbic system in the brain. When applied topically, their compounds can be absorbed into the skin and potentially provide therapeutic benefits.
How do I store essential oils?
Store essential oils in dark glass bottles away from direct sunlight and heat. They should be kept in a cool, dry place to maintain their potency and shelf life.
Who is the founder of Lifability?
Lifability was founded by Shradha Haria, who is passionate about helping individuals break free from the challenges of modern life using principles from occupational therapy, mind-body medicine, and trauma-informed care.