fatigue to focus

Effective strategies for optimising energy and productivity - even with a chronic illness

LIVE Group Calls - A 5 Day Deep Dive Journey into Enhancing your Energy Flow

*4th - 8th September 2024, 8am AEST

Led by a licensed OT.

5 days of targeted support, education, and growth.

Walk away with strategies that can reshape your life... without overwhelming you.

*minimum number of participants must be met for scheduled program to go ahead

Does this sound familiar?

  • Feeling totally exhausted
  • Feeling a lack of control
  • Difficulty with concentrating
  • Ovewhelmed for not "getting it done"
  • Having to explain every time, yet no one seems to understand
  • Feel like you're losing your mind whenever there is a flare up
  • Sleepless nights or can't seem to get out of bed
  • Sudden changes in mood because some days are harder than others

Ready for a breakthrough?

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It's easy to lose a sense of who you are and hope for the future. What if there was a map that showed you where you are and how you could get to your desired path?

Would you like to get unstuck and experience the joy of feeling empowered to start creating a life that you desire?

Do you sometimes feel misunderstood and 'secretly wish' you could have a community around you that just 'got you'?

You are the person who gets to heal you. It all begins with awareness and action. Start your journey to make informed decisions about optimising your daily activities for overall well-being.

Balance of engagement in occupation leads to well-being. Overcome your limitations and create a life that nourishes you.

Small Steps Lead to Big Journeys

If you are here today, you have already taken the first step to gain momentum - so take a moment to appreciate how far you have come up.

Welcome to Lifability's Fatigue to Focus Program, where we empower individuals facing chronic health challenges to take control of their lives. This program covers fatigue management and executive dysfunction strategies.

The Fatigue to Focus Program is a group-based program with a private community where you can connect, share, support and inspire each other. Healing happens in community, not isolation.

Fatigue can be effectively managed by following principles:
- prioritisation of tasks
- creating efficient plans
- activity restructuring
- develop pacing techniques
These are individually explored to meet your daily demands through this program. However, this program also discusses the link between mind-body connection and the importance of the role it plays in changing habits.

Our mission is clear - we want to help you reshape your lifestyle so that you can live a life with joy and meaning.

Fatigue to Focus is all about learning effective strategies to manage fatigue, improve your emotional stability and enable self-determination. This program will enable you to use strategies in your daily life to enhance your quality of life.

Join us on this journey to create a more energetic and vibrant you. Your well-being is our priority, and we're here to guide you every step of the way.
This Program Addresses:
  • Multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue and/or other autoimmune diseases, repetitive use injuries
    Improve your daily energy levels and quality of life.
  • Mood fluctuations
    Identify triggers and develop coping strategies.
  • Overwhelm/ Brain Fog
    Establish a productive routine.
  • Burnout
    Regain your motivation, energy, and passion.
  • Difficulties making changes/ Executive Dysfunction
    Overcome your resistance to change and achieve your goals by learning how to plan, initiate and complete goal-directed activities.
  • Neurodegenrative disease
    Make informed decisions about how to optimize your daily activities.

What is Fatigue to Focus?

We understand the demands of daily life can leave us feeling fatigued and unbalanced. This program offers tailored coaching in fatigue management strategies to help you prioritize, plan, modify activities, and pace yourself effectively. By gaining a greater awareness of occupational balance, you'll be able to confidently engage in the change process and make lasting improvements to your daily habits. Start enjoying the activities you love and join us to achieve optimal occupational health and well-being.

Our Approach

Our experienced occupational therapists will work with you one-on-one to explore and implement the following strategies:

Prioritisation: Stop feeling scattered all day long only to reach to the end of the day feeling like you have accomplished nothing.

Planning: Start developing effective plans to manage your daily activities efficiently.

Activity Modification: Make adjustments to your routines and environments so that they work for your health and well-being

Pacing: Gain momentum to reclaim your vitality

During this Deep Dive, You'll Learn to:
  • Improve energy levels
  • Restructure your activities
  • Improve activity tolerance
  • Establish healthy sleep habits.
  • Body and environment ergonomics
  • Improve your participation
  • Maintain recovery: self-advocacy, awareness, reflections.
  • Improve your focus



Build Awareness

Identify energy expenditure patterns and challenges

Get clear about energy conservation principles and lifestyle factors

Understanding your "WHY"

Gain a sense of direction to start navigating shifts.

Tune into what self-care practices enhance well-being
Action and
Q & A

Seek clarity and delve deeper into your transformation.

I can completely relate to how hard it can be to re-start building your life and health back up, especially after facing one or many obstacles, which may have led to setbacks.

However, at this present moment, you have a CHOICE.

You can choose to stay where you are and continue down that path, feeling more frustrated, wishing things were different OR you can reign back that control and invest in yourself and your health because you are deserving of a life of abundance.

You can join us in the 5-day deep dive which will give you the traction and the momentum to start creating your desired life.


5 days deep dive fatigue management group journey.

5 Live Group calls
45-60 Minutes each
Q and A session included
Private Community
Add 1 x 1:1 session to personalise and integrate everything for an extra $69
Recordings available for a limited duration if you are unable to join us live.
Add lifetime access to recordings and content for an extra $100

At Lifability, we're here to support you on your journey toward a more energised and fulfilling life. If you’re on the fence, we invite you to learn more about how our Fatigue to Focus Program benefits you by booking a call.  

>>Let's Talk>>

Frequently asked questions

Did we miss something? If you have more questions please let us know!

What will be covered in the Fatigue to Focus Program?

The Fatigue to Focus Program is a specialised program that focuses on helping individuals effectively manage fatigue and enhance their daily energy levels. This program employs strategies such as prioritisation, planning, activity modification, and pacing to address the challenges associated with fatigue and limited energy. At Lifability, we offer personalised coaching to guide you through these strategies and improve your quality of life.

Can Fatigue to Focus Program Improve My Quality of Life?

Yes, our program is designed to improve your quality of life by helping you:

- Enhance daily energy levels
- Identify mood triggers and develop coping strategies
- Establish healthy sleep habits
- Overcome burnout and regain motivation
- Manage executive dysfunction
- Make informed decisions about your daily activities

How Does Activity Restructuring Contribute to Energy Conservation?

Activity modification involves making adjustments to your daily tasks and routines to reduce fatigue. Our occupational therapists will guide you in identifying activities that may drain your energy and help you find ways to perform them more efficiently. This approach ensures that you can engage in essential activities without exhausting yourself.

Who Can Benefit from the Fatigue to Focus Program

This program is designed to assist individuals facing various health challenges, including:

- Chronic Fatigue
- Executive Dysfunction
- Autoimmune Diseases
- Repetitive Use Injuries
- Burnout
- Depression/ Chronic Stress
- Neurodegenerative diseases

Who is the founder of Lifability?

Lifability was founded by Shradha Haria, who is passionate about helping individuals break free from the challenges of modern life using principles from occupational therapy, mind-body medicine, and trauma-informed care.

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