Frequently asked questions
Did we miss something? If you have more questions please let us know!
What is Lifestyle Redesign, and how does it benefit me in this program?
Lifestyle Redesign is an occupational therapy intervention framework that promotes awareness of the relationship between everyday activities and health. Changing behaviours takes time and is a complex process, but we know that lifestyle choices directly influence the state of our physical, mental, cognitive, and emotional health.
Is this program suitable for people of all ages and backgrounds?
Yes, the Lifestyle Redesign Program is designed to benefit individuals from all walks of life. Whether you're a young parent, a professional, currently unemployed or anyone seeking positive change, our program can be tailored to meet your unique needs.
How do I get started with the program, and what can I expect in the first session?
To get started, simply purchase the program or if you have further questions, contact us to book a call. In the first session, we'll discuss your goals and challenges, and together, we'll create a personalised plan to guide you throughout the program.
What is the refund/cancellation policy?
This investment is a non-refundable purchase. We do not offer refunds or payment plan cancellations before, during, or after the program for any reason.
We would recommend anyone considering joining this program to read this page in its entirety, and to ask our team any remaining questions prior to registration.
How can I access the guided meditations included in the program?
As a participant in the Lifestyle Redesign Program, you'll receive access to our guided meditations. These sessions are designed to help you relax, refocus, and find inner peace. You can easily access them through our online platform.
Join the Lifestyle Redesign Program today and start your journey toward a life filled with purpose, energy, and fulfilment. At Lifability, we're here to support you every step of the way.