Frequently asked questions
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What makes Lifability's programs unique?
Lifability's programs stand out due to their personalised approach. We tailor our online educational programs to suit your specific needs, ensuring a holistic and impactful experience. The program integrates various healing modalities to lifestyle medicine
Who benefits from Lifability's online occupational therapy programs?
Our programs are designed to assist individuals facing chronic health challenges and are open to trying a holistic approach that is not driven by Big Pharma but instead utilises a whole person approach to understand root causes.
How can I get started with Lifability?
Embarking on your journey with Lifability is simple. Explore our programs and take the first step towards transforming your life today. If you are still unsure, please book a Free Discovery Call to gain further clarity.
What conditions do Lifability's programs address?
Lifability's programs are designed to address a wide range of symptoms that are stopping you from living a life you desire. The programs allow you to dive deep into the root so that you can germinate new seeds.
What if I have a physical illness in addition to my mental health concerns?
Please consult with your health care team before you initiate any program. The programs are not meant to provide a diagnosis or treatment plans, although the education provided will invite you to consider various changes to create a more fulfilled life for yourself . Remember everyone is different.